Our Day at My Treehut

What your child can expect

A day at My Treehut by a nearly 4 year old…

Morena! Welcome to My Treehut.

First I need to sign in. I pop my slippers on and put my bag in my cubby.

I sit up at the kitchen island and help with today’s baking, yum, blueberry bran muffins – my favourite!

I look around, I see all my friends busy, playing with cars, building with blocks, cutting and gluing, painting, playing dressups and reading books.

I decide to go outside. I love being outside here – there’s lots of space to run, trees to climb, rope swings, a bike track and the coolest Treehut ever.

I climb up to see what my friends are up to in the Treehut, they are pretending to be on a pirate ship – look out for that whale!

Every morning we have our Inspiration Mat Time – we talk about the learning we have been doing and get thinking about what we are going to do today. Every day is different but today we sing a song and talk about what makes a rainbow. After Mat Time I run outside to try and make my own rainbow in our stream!

Our teacher comes and tells us ‘kai time’ – yum! Time for morning tea. I race inside, wash my hands and sit down at the kai table.

Our teachers here are really neat. They play and learn with us, listen, watch and then help us out – sometimes we even have to Skype an expert.

Everyday we do lots of learning – we do songs, stories, sharing, and lots of thinking. I am learning my numbers and I can write my name.

Time for lunch – delicious! I go and help out by setting the table. We try lots of new foods and I am really good at eating with my knife and fork now.

After lunch I go into the Ruapehu Room, get my sheet out and have a rest – we all relax, lie and listen to the music.

Now, time for more fun and learning. In the art area I choose some collage materials – we found a really big spider in the magic garden this morning and I want to make one to show Dad how big it was. We had a look on one of the laptops and found out all about it.

Now afternoon tea – it is usually some yummy freshly made sandwiches and more delicious fruit – and baking (if there is any left from morning tea!).

Some children have gone home now, but my little sister and I get to stay a bit longer – this is a special time as there are only a few of us so we get to help out and do special activities! We do things like special jobs in the vege patch, puzzles and lots of other neat things.

I’ve got to go – here comes Mum, thanks for spending the day with me at My Treehut – I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did – everyday is different so you’ll have to come again!