Private Early Childhood Education in Taupo

Providing private early childhood education for children aged 1 to 6 years.

My Treehut Early Learning Centre caters for tamariki from 3 years old right through to school entry. The Cubby is a home away from home for our 1- and 2-year-olds.

We have deep-seated values on the importance of learning in the early years, encouraging tamariki to challenge their own and others’ thinking in preparation for the next stage in their life. Our learning approach incorporates routines and predictability, exposure to different learning experiences as well as appreciating and caring for the environment. We are big on getting outdoors and the benefits of children spending time in nature.

Established by Kirsty Darvill, My Treehut and The Cubby have a reputation for exceptional care and quality early childhood education. Kirsty’s team of inspired kaiako are passionate about the importance of quality natural experiences.

To find out more about My Treehut and to register your interest, please contact us.