I love arriving at The Cubby. My favourite kaiako are there waiting for me. My mum or dad talk to my kaiako when they drop me off, they know this is someone who knows me well.
My mum stays with me for a bit while I get involved in todays activities and have a play. She loves making a cup of tea here and sometimes even takes that with her in the car when she goes.
I say hi to everyone, then I head off to play in the garden. It looks like it has been raining, yay – puddles! I put on The Cubby wet weather gear and gumboots so I can go out to jump and splash.
After a little while I hear the call for morning tea. Yummy! We get chemged out of the wet weather gear, wash our hands and go to sit together at the kai table. Here we sing some songs we love, I picked baa baa blue sheep today, then we say our karakia before we eat together.
At the Cubby, I feel safe and happy to explore and to just be me. There’s a Cubby playhouse, a sandpit, a vege garden, obstacle courses, logs to look under for bugs, and lots of things that I can play and create with inside too. Today I choose the bike track after morning tea, so I head out and put on a helmet. It’s blue with dinosaurs! We have little plastic trikes I can ride, but today I am learning to ride a balance bike!
Our lunch arrives from Treehut – Facundo has cooked us a scrumptious homemade curry and rice. We all sit together and eat with our kaiako as The Cubby whānau.
Now it is time for my sleep. One of my favorite kaiako comes with me to the sleep room and settles me to sleep with my snuggly from home.
When I wake I go into the Koha room for some quiet wake up time with a story and a snuggle on the couch. Soon, I am ready to venture out to play with my friends and then it is time for some more kai – an afternoon snack.
Most of my friends have gone home now, but this is a cool time of the day, I love to help tidy up! After this I get to sit with my kaiako and build the tallest tower, I get to do it all by myself, and knock it down lots too!
My dad is picking me up soon. I am excited to show him what I did today at The Cubby.