Conservation & Zero Waste

Teaching Sustainability

Through promoting sustainable conservation practices, our tamariki are encouraged to actively care and have respect for our environment at My Treehut, The Cubby, at home and in their communities.

By teaching our youngest generation of today how to live sustainably, we feel they will make a difference in our world as they grow up.

At My Treehut and The Cubby, we are aiming to be a Zero Waste centre – we recycle, compost and provide scraps for our worm farm or the local farmer’s pigs. We ask for recyclable packaging, our local butcher puts our meat into our own reusable containers and our fruit and vegetables are grown in our own garden and delivered in cardboard boxes which the children use in construction projects and imaginative play.

We collect the rainwater from our roof and use it to water our gardens and when planting new trees, we try to source trees which attract native birds.

We run a paper minimised admin office – we are keen for you to email us and we hope to have all the information you need on our website (please let us know if you feel we are missing anything).

We avoid the use of chemicals wherever possible. Instead, we use white vinegar, essential oils, and chemical free products to keep our centre, and ourselves, clean and healthy.

If you have any tips for us on how to be more environmentally sustainable, please feel free to come and share with us. We welcome all learning experiences for our tamariki and kaiako alike!